
    Idly Cooker

    Cuiseur À Idli En Acier Inoxydable De Qualité Supérieure Compatible avec l'induction et le gaz


    Cuiseur À Idli En Acier Inoxydable De Qualité Supérieure Fabriqué en acier inoxydable de qualité supérieure. Doté d’une molette de réglage de la vapeur. Peut cuire jusqu’à 16 Idlis à...


    In a typical idli cooker, you can usually make about 12 to 16 idlis at once. This number can vary slightly depending on the size and model of your idli cooker. Most cookers come with multiple tiers of trays, each of which can hold 3 to 4 idli molds. So, if you have a cooker with 4 trays, you could make up to 16 idlis in one go. It's a convenient way to prepare a good amount of this delicious, steamed dish for a family meal or a small gathering.

    Idli is a popular South Indian breakfast dish, known for its soft, fluffy texture and its simple, yet satisfying taste. It's made from a fermented batter of ground rice and urad dal (split black lentils). The fermentation process gives idlis their characteristic sponginess and a slightly tangy flavor. Here's a basic guide on how idlis are made

    Reducing the noise from the whistle of an idli cooker can be a bit tricky since the whistle is an important feature that indicates the pressure level inside the cooker. However, there are a few tips you might find helpful in minimizing the noise:

    Lower the Heat: Once the water in the idli cooker starts boiling and steam begins to escape through the whistle, you can reduce the heat. Keeping it on a lower flame can help in producing less noise as the steam is released more gently.

    Use a Thick Cloth: You can wrap a thick cloth around the base of the whistle. This can dampen the sound to some extent. Make sure the cloth doesn’t block the steam vent completely, as this could be dangerous.

    Control Steam Release: Some idli cookers come with adjustable whistles or vents that allow you to control the release of steam. If your cooker has this feature, adjusting it to a gentler release can reduce noise.

    Regular Maintenance: Make sure the whistle and vent area of your cooker are clean and not clogged with food particles or mineral deposits from water. A clean vent can make the steam release smoother and potentially quieter.

    Steam in Batches: If the cooker is less full (making fewer idlis than the maximum capacity), it might reduce the intensity of steam pressure and, consequently, the noise. However, this is more of a trial and error method.

    While these tips can help minimize the noise, it’s important to remember that the sound of the whistle is a safety feature, indicating that the cooker is properly pressurized and working. Never attempt to modify or block the vent in a way that could be unsafe.

    Preventing batter from leaking through the holes of the idli plates in an idli cooker involves a few simple steps that can make the cooking process smoother and keep your idlis in perfect shape:

    Grease the Idli Molds: Before pouring the batter into the idli molds, lightly grease them with oil. This not only prevents sticking but also creates a slight barrier that can help minimize leakage.

    Consistency of the Batter: Ensure the batter is of the right consistency—not too thin. A thicker batter will not only prevent leakage but also yield softer, fluffier idlis. If your batter is too runny, consider adding a bit of rice flour to thicken it slightly. However, be cautious not to make the batter too thick, as this could affect the texture of the idlis.

    Fill the Molds Properly: Do not overfill the idli molds. Fill them only about three-quarters full. As the idlis cook, they will expand, and overfilling the molds can cause the batter to leak through the holes and into the steamer.

    Check the Holes: Before pouring the batter, make sure the holes on the idli plates are not clogged. Clogged holes can cause uneven cooking and potential leakage as the steam tries to escape. A quick rinse or poke with a toothpick can ensure they are clear.

    Layering the Plates: If using a stacked idli cooker with multiple tiers of plates, align them in such a way that the idlis on the upper plates do not directly overlap with those below. This prevents the batter from dripping down onto the idlis beneath. Some cookers are designed with offset stacking for this purpose.

    Use a Cloth: For an extra measure to prevent leakage, you can line the idli molds with a thin, clean cloth before adding the batter. This method is traditional and can help absorb any excess moisture, preventing the batter from leaking through the holes. However, it’s more labor-intensive as it requires cleaning the cloths after each use.

    By following these tips, you should be able to cook your idlis without the batter leaking through the holes, keeping your idli cooker clean and your idlis in perfect shape.

    Certainly! To make idlis in a pressure cooker, first, grease idli molds with a bit of oil to prevent sticking. Fill the molds with fermented idli batter. Remove the whistle (weight) from the pressure cooker's lid to prevent pressure buildup, and pour about an inch of water into the cooker's base. Place the filled idli molds inside, cover with the lid, and steam for about 10-12 minutes on medium heat. Once done, let them cool for a few minutes before removing the idlis from the molds. This method lets you use a common kitchen tool to make delicious idlis without needing specialized equipment. Here is an in-depth guide you can follow to make idlis in a pressure cooker.

    Butterfly Idly Cookers originate from India and are available in various countries, including Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, Norway, Italy, and Finland.

    Dimanche, Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi
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